

Newly designated national-rhubarb-vodka-day means celebrating a great combination of flavors.  Now that this day is here, how did it all come about?  

The first Saturday in December has been devoted to giving cocktail lovers a special reason to enjoy even more the tarty flavor of these two ingredients when they are pleasantly mixed together.    

Not that this duo didn't already exist, but to those who enjoy this beverage already?  An official day is pleasantly welcomed I'm sure.   

The Maple River Distillery began to distribute such a product in 2010 from North Dakota.  

The infusion process using this combination was very successful and was instantly and widely accepted to become a very well known drink across America.

This Distillery has been producing some very tasty spirits since 2009 with locally produced fruit. They produce products from rhubarb (of course), cherries, apples, pears, a variety of berries and so much more.  All kinds of wonderful fruits go into the making of their products for customers all over.   

This blend can be mixed with 7-up or lemonade to name a few ingredients that the customers are apparently liking very much.  

Cocktail Time!

two vodka cocktails

Visit Maple River Distillery for more info and a recipe to try.

Ever heard of the "Rhubarb Pie Martini?"  

I'd never heard of this myself until recently, but I'll give you a hint - it calls for graham cracker crumb crust mix! Sure had me wondering.  Sounds interesting though, doesn't it?  

There are many other cocktail recipes to choose from as well if you are looking for something a little different and like the idea of this "vegetable" and alcohol combination. These drinks can be creamy, slushy, of a jelly consistency or even combine to produce a lovely liqueur!  

Ever tried a soda in rhubarb flavored form?  There's something else to check out when in the grocery stores. 

Why not use this specially designated time to discover a new beverage?  

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