Becoming Rhubarb-Savvy
Conquering The Rhubarb
This is the goal hopefully. Become rhubarb-savvy enough to maintain this plant reasonably well and do great things with the elusive pie-plant.
A few things led to the start-up of this site. First of all, let me introduce myself.
My name is Jane Orr and my husband and I live on the beautiful Georgian Bay just north of Toronto, Ontario.
I was raised in this area all of my life, and have been employed at an Employment Agency for a number of years though my College training is in the Medical Secretarial field.
My daughter was away at University but is now out and living on her own. I think I still suffer horribly from the empty-nest syndrome at times.
However, the job, the house, the pets and whatever else that comes up keeps me hopping.
Over the last few years though, I decided to embark on a few projects of my own.
In addition to trying to become rhubarb-savvy of course, I am researching ancestry and working to put together our family tree.
It has proven quite rewarding and informative. I've gathered so much material which has to be sorted and put onto the computer to be distributed to family members.
But that is yet another project for another day.
In addition to the rest of it, I love to cook, read, and putter around outdoors in the garden.
Simple interests really, but where
does one find the time some days?
Managed a few trips to British Columbia somewhere in there.
This is Tofino on the other side of Vancouver Island. We
were visiting the parents in Parksville.
Speaking of beautiful places, back to the "Georgian Bay." If you are familiar at all with it, especially the Pointe Au Baril area, you know what I mean.
Paintings by Joan Emery
is something I've discovered recently, and they are truly lovely. Joan and her family were a big part of my life growing up, and I'm delighted to suggest you visit her site.
We put in 3 small ponds to hide an ugly hillside, and I fumble around in an attempt at some landscaping and gardening. All trial and error I'm afraid.
I like instant gratification and do not have the patience that I should sometimes. I had planted rhubarb at one time literally in the bushes. The bushes grew up so fast, and what I had planted disappeared.

The rhubarb has always intrigued me though. We had neighbors once who wished they could get rid of theirs, and all I could do was envy it and dream about having a garden someday like they had.
I'm on the right track now. Changed locations and that will make a significant difference I hope. It looked pretty good in the Spring. I just may become rhubarb-savvy afterall, at least to some degree.
I spend a lot of time on the computer. Just ask my husband and he'll tell you ALL about it I'm sure.
But, it is all necessary for the things I have going. Just the
ancestry researching alone can take me well into the middle of the night, especially if I am onto something and just can't leave it alone. I'm sure many of you can relate.
It was mostly at that time actually that I admired other sites so much and thought it would be a great idea to have my own site geared to rhubarb. I wanted to learn more about it, and share information as well.
I wanted to come up with a site that was kind of casual and an easy read, and easy for me to do.
How I Built This Site
So again, welcome and I hope you find something interesting and resourceful here. Maybe you can become rhubarb-savvy yourself too.
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