A Great Fruity Icy Drink to Sip

Rhubarb-slush is a fantastic wonderful icy thick drink on a hot day. Rhubarb-raspberry is a great flavor. Tart and sweet at the same time. You can make it however you like and it won't be wrong. It's all about your preference.

You can increase the fruit, or take away the sugar. You can substitute the fruit obviously instead of the one that comes recommended. Sour or sweet, adjust the ingredients accordingly. You can't "hurt" the outcome and you can adjust until you get it just right.

You may discover a different kind of soda to add instead of the one suggested. It will be just as good as any other choice.

Some slush recipes contain alcohol, some do not. Again, that is a personal preference.

All you really have to do is freeze it.



6 cups chopped rhubarb

6 cups water

2 1/2 cups white sugar

2/3 cups lemon juice

Bring to a boil and reduce heat to simmer until rhubarb is tender. Remove from heat and let cool. Strain mixture.

Add 1 1/2 - 2 cups vodka (for a rhubarb-vodka-slush) and 1 small package of raspberry jello.

Pour into an ice cream pail and freeze it. Scoop into glasses and add a little ginger-ale or 7-up.


1 1/2 cups water

3 1/2 cups chopped rhubarb

2/3 cups sugar

1 cup apple juice (sweetened)

1 can (6 ounces) frozen lemonade concentrate (Pink is best)

1 large bottle of lemon-lime soda

Bring to a boil and then simmer the rhubarb, sugar and water until rhubarb is tender.

Let cool and puree mixture. Add lemonade and apple juice. Mix well.

Pour into container and freeze until very firm. Serve by scoopfuls in a glass with lemon lime soda poured over top.

rhubarb drink

Ever had a rhubartini? Very delicious even in a "slushy" form.

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